Friday, April 25, 2008

OK, OK...

I realize that after a couple of weeks of being stretched by working with new people, that it is essential for everyone involved. For me to grow and get better at my job, I must be forced out of the comfort I have from working with the same people every day. For everyone else, it is a chance to do the same.

Without mixing it up, we run the risk of not developing and stretching. To keep the production ministry going, we must always put volunteers or staff in places where they have a big learning curve. When we do that, we have to be ready for it to take a little more work so that they can succeed and get better. We also have to be ready for some level of failure. Failure is the way for us all to get better.

During this last event, I have a list a mile long of my own failures. While I don't like to fail, I know that I will be less likely to make those mistakes again, which makes me a better person.

If working on the same teams is our highest value, then there is potential that none of us will get any better.

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